REMOVE your personal and professional blockages ONCE AND FOR ALL

discover how our ascension model is organized AND DESIGNED to Increase your performance and well-being like clockwork

The Awareness Effect is the culmination of nearly 40 years of combined research, teachings, and in the trenches personal coaching that Guy and Ilan have devised into a simple to follow, simple to implement process that anyone can go through to experience a high level activation of awareness and personal healing.

This is not something that can be taught by reading a book or watching a video, this level of development is taught through gnosis - or direct experience - which alters the foundation of where a human experiences, performs, and sources their life, relationships, and business from.



Get clear on what's not working in your life or business, identifying the pain point and how we can support making it all work WAY better for you.
Look at what work you've done (it's okay if you haven't done any) and the best course of action based on your current state of self-mastery.
Offer guidance on next steps, programs, resources, or experiences that can make a massive difference in how you approach, perceive, experience, and respond to your life or business.
Fill in the short form below to apply to work with us and see if you're a good fit for our transformational experiences within The Awareness Effect Academy.

Please Read Fully Before Booking:

These clarity calls are specifically designed for leaders, coaches, consultants or for people who want to explore being in our transformative programs. Our intention is to listen to the areas of life you're struggling in and figure out together whether participating in any of our programs would be of a significant assistance to you and the quality of your life. 

Note that mastering any skillset, by its very nature, requires time, resources, and monetary investment to pursue it. Mastering yourself is quite the same, it requires your aspiration, attention, and dedication. If you have no intention of exploring our transformative programs or if you are currently dealing with any mental or emotional trauma that you believe requires professional help, this call may not be for you.

We know that everyone's time is very valuable and we don't want to waste your time nor do we want our teams' time wasted, so please show up for your call as scheduled or reschedule well in advance if you are unable to make that time. 

Lastly, get excited! This is the first steps thousands of people and entrepreneurs have taken before you which has led to significant positive changes in their lives, relationships, and businesses. Together we'll uncover whether participating in any of our programs would be significantly beneficial to you and your goals. By the end of this call you will be informed about our work, our programs, and empowered to make a choice for yourself about participating.

-Guy & Ilan Ferdman

Copyright © Satori Prime. All Rights Reserved. 

Meet The Satori Prime
Global Team & Family

Satori Prime is built and run by inspired individuals deeply integrating their own work and helping others to do the same.

Guy Ferdman

Co-Founder & 

Intuitive Transformation Engineer

San Diego, CA

Ilan Ferdman

Co-Founder & 

Psychology, Business, and Leadership Expert

Boca Raton, FL

Tobias Maskell

On-Boarding Specialist 

Kelowna, BC

Corey Rottenbucher

Senior Client Advisor

Kelowna, BC

Nicci Richards

Senior Client Advisor

Edinberg, UK

Jasmin Ramirez

Community Communication Manager

Brooklyn, NY

Sara Budare

Communication & Support Specialist

San Diego, CA