


Let's work together to build your Upgraded Life Experience

Meet The Satori Prime
Global Team & Family

Satori Prime is built and run by inspired individuals deeply integrating their own work and helping others to do the same.

Guy Ferdman

Co-Founder & 

Intuitive Transformation Enginner

San Diego, CA

Ilan Ferdman

Co-Founder & 

Psychology and Leadership Expert

Boca Raton, FL

Tobias Maskell

On-Boarding Specialist 

Kelowna, BC

Corey Rottenbucher

Senior Client Advisor

Kelowna, BC

Nicci Richards

Senior Client Advisor

Edinberg, UK

Jasmin Ramirez

Community Communication Manager

Brooklyn, NY

Sara Budare

Communication & Support Team Specialist

San Diego, CA

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My "10 step road to success" free guide

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